Discussion 9: Interpreters

More Scheme

The define form is used to assign values to symbols. It has the following syntax:
(define <symbol> <expression>)
scm> (define pi (+ 3 0.14))
scm> pi

To evaluate the define expression:

  1. Evaluate the final sub-expression (<expression>), which in this case evaluates to 3.14.
  2. Bind that value to the symbol (symbol), which in this case is pi.
  3. Return the symbol.

The define form can also define new procedures, described in the "Defining Functions" section. The define form can create a procedure and give it a name:

(define (<symbol> <param1> <param2> ...) <body>)

For example, this is how we would define the double procedure:

scm> (define (double x) (* x 2))
scm> (double 3)

Here's an example with three arguments:

scm> (define (add-then-mul x y z)
        (* (+ x y) z))
scm> (add-then-mul 3 4 5)

When a define expression is evaluated, the following occurs:

  1. Create a procedure with the given parameters and <body>.
  2. Bind the procedure to the <symbol> in the current frame.
  3. Return the <symbol>.

The following two expressions are equivalent:

scm> (define add (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))
scm> (define (add x y) (+ x y))

Atomic expressions (also called atoms) are expressions without sub-expressions, such as numbers, boolean values, and symbols.

scm> 1234    ; integer
scm> 123.4   ; real number
scm> #f      ; the Scheme equivalent of False in Python

A Scheme symbol is equivalent to a Python name. A symbol evaluates to the value bound to that symbol in the current environment. (They are called symbols rather than names because they include + and other arithmetic symbols.)

scm> quotient      ; A symbol bound to a built-in procedure
scm> +             ; A symbol bound to a built-in procedure

In Scheme, all values except #f (equivalent to False in Python) are true values (unlike Python, which has other false values, such as 0).

scm> #t
scm> #f

The if special form evaluates one of two expressions based on a predicate.

(if <predicate> <if-true> <if-false>)

The rules for evaluating an if special form expression are as follows:

  1. Evaluate the <predicate>.
  2. If the <predicate> evaluates to a true value (anything but #f), evaluate and return the value of the <if-true> expression. Otherwise, evaluate and return the value of the <if-false> expression.

For example, this expression does not error and evaluates to 5, even though the sub-expression (/ 1 (- x 3)) would error if evaluated.

scm> (define x 3)
scm> (if (> (- x 3) 0) (/ 1 (- x 3)) (+ x 2))

The <if-false> expression is optional.

scm> (if (= x 3) (print x))

Let's compare a Scheme if expression with a Python if statement:

  • In Scheme:
    (if (> x 3) 1 2)
  • In Python:
    if x > 3:

The Scheme if expression evaluates to a number (either 1 or 2, depending on x). The Python statement does not evaluate to anything, and so the 1 and 2 cannot be used or accessed.

Another difference between the two is that it's possible to add more lines of code into the suites of the Python if statement, while a Scheme if expression expects just a single expression in each of the <if-true> and <if-false> positions.

One final difference is that in Scheme, you cannot write elif clauses.

Q1: Increasing Rope

Definition: A rope in Scheme is a non-empty list containing only numbers except for the last element, which may either be a number or a rope.

Implement up, a Scheme procedure that takes a positive integer n. It returns a rope containing the digits of n that is the shortest rope in which each pair of adjacent numbers in the same list are in increasing order.

Reminder: the quotient procedure performs floor division, like // in Python. The remainder procedure is like % in Python.

Run in 61A Code
Compare first to (car result) to decide whether to cons the value first onto the result or whether to form a new list that contains first and result as elements.
To correctly call helper from within up, build a rope that only contains the last digit of n: (remainder n 10).

Q2: (Tutorial) Interpreters Review

Discuss the follow questions with your tutorial group - they will be helpful for your understanding of the Scheme project! If you wish to take notes, we recommend you take notes on a separate document so it won't accidentally get erased.

What are the four parts of an interpreter (Hint: what does REPL stand for)? What does each part do? What parts did you work on implementing in the discussion?

For the Calculator interpreter implemented in discussion, for the following executed code, what would be the input into the "Read" portion of the interpreter?

calc> (+ 2 3)

What would be the output of the "Read" portion for the same code?

How does the evaluate stage work in Calculator? How do we know if an input into calc_eval is a call expression?


An interpreter is a program that allows you to interact with the computer in a certain language. It understands the expressions that you type in through that language, and performs the corresponding actions in some way, usually using an underlying language.

In Project 4, you will use Python to implement an interpreter for Scheme. The Python interpreter that you've been using all semester is written (mostly) in the C programming language. The computer itself uses hardware to interpret machine code (a series of ones and zeros that represent basic operations like adding numbers, loading information from memory, etc).

When we talk about an interpreter, there are two languages at work:

  1. The language being interpreted/implemented. In this lab, you will implement the PyCombinator language.
  2. The underlying implementation language. In this lab, you will use Python to implement the PyCombinator language.

Note that the underlying language need not be different from the implemented language. In fact, in this lab we are going to implement a smaller version of Python (PyCombinator) using Python! This idea is called Metacircular Evaluation.

Many interpreters use a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL). This loop waits for user input, and then processes it in three steps:

  • Read: The interpreter takes the user input (a string) and passes it through a lexer and parser.

    • The lexer turns the user input string into atomic pieces (tokens) that are like "words" of the implemented language.
    • The parser takes the tokens and organizes them into data structures that the underlying language can understand.

      YouTube link

  • Eval: Mutual recursion between eval and apply evaluate the expression to obtain a value.

    • Eval takes an expression and evaluates it according to the rules of the language. Evaluating a call expression involves calling apply to apply an evaluated operator to its evaluated operands.
    • Apply takes an evaluated operator, i.e., a function, and applies it to the call expression's arguments. Apply may call eval to do more work in the body of the function, so eval and apply are mutually recursive.

      YouTube link

  • Print: Display the result of evaluating the user input.

Here's how all the pieces fit together:

         +-------------------------------- Loop -----------+
         |                                                 |
         |  +-------+   +--------+   +-------+   +-------+ |
Input ---+->| Lexer |-->| Parser |-->| Eval  |-->| Print |-+--> Output
         |  +-------+   +--------+   +-------+   +-------+ |
         |                              ^  |               |
         |                              |  v               |
         ^                           +-------+             v
         |                           | Apply |             |
         |    REPL                   +-------+             |

Scheme Call Expressions

A Scheme call expression is a Scheme list that is represented using a Pair instance in Python.

For example, the call expression (+ (* 3 4) 5) is represented as:

Pair('+', Pair(Pair('*', Pair(3, Pair(4, nil))), Pair(5, nil)))

(+ (* 3 4) 5)

The Pair class and nil object are defined in pair.py of the Scheme project.

class Pair:
    "A Scheme list is a Pair in which rest is a Pair or nil."
    def __init__(self, first, rest):
        self.first = first
        self.rest = rest

    ... # There are also __str__, __repr__, and map methods, omitted here.

Q3: Representing Expressions

Write the Scheme expression in Scheme syntax represented by each Pair below. Try drawing the linked list diagram too. The first one is done for you.

Pair('+', Pair(Pair('*', Pair(3, Pair(4, nil))), Pair(5, nil)))
>>> Pair('+', Pair(1, Pair(Pair('*', Pair(2, Pair(3, nil))), nil)))

>>> Pair('and', Pair(Pair('<', Pair(1, Pair(0, nil))), Pair(Pair('/', Pair(1, Pair(0, nil))), nil)))


To evaluate the expression (+ (* 3 4) 5) using the Project 4 interpreter, scheme_eval is called on the following expressions (in this order):

  1. (+ (* 3 4) 5)
  2. +
  3. (* 3 4)
  4. *
  5. 3
  6. 4
  7. 5

The * is evaluated because it is the operator sub-expression of (* 3 4), which is an operand sub-expression of (+ (* 3 4) 5).

By default, * evaluates to a procedure that multiplies its arguments together. But * could be redefined at any time, and so the symbol * must be evaluated each time it is used in order to look up its current value.

scm> (* 2 3)  ; Now it multiplies
scm> (define * +)
scm> (* 2 3)  ; Now it adds

Q4: Evaluation

Which of the following are evaluated when scheme_eval is called on (if (< x 0) (- x) (if (= x -2) 100 y)) in an environment in which x is bound to -2? (Assume <, -, and = have their default values.)

  • if
  • <
  • =
  • x
  • y
  • 0
  • -2
  • 100
  • -
  • (
  • )

Q5: Print Evaluated Expressions

Define print_evals, which takes a Scheme expression expr that contains only numbers, +, *, and parentheses. It prints all of the expressions that are evaluated during the evaluation of expr. They are printed in the order that they are passed to scheme_eval.

Note: Calling print on a Pair instance will print the Scheme expression it represents.

>>> print(Pair('+', Pair(Pair('*', Pair(3, Pair(4, nil))), Pair(5, nil))))
(+ (* 3 4) 5)
Run in 61A Code

If expr is not a pair, then it is a number or '+' or '*'. In all of these cases, the expr should be printed to indicate that it would be evaluated.

If expr is a pair, then it is a call expression. Print it. Then, the operator and operands are evaluated. These are the elements in the list expr. So, iterate through expr (using either a while statement or expr.map(...)) and call print_evals on each element.

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