Lab 4: Tree Recursion, Data Abstraction

Due by 11:59pm on Wednesday, February 26.

Starter Files



If you are in a regular lab in CS 61A, get an arrival number from your TA and then fill out this lab attendance form. (If you are in the mega lab, you don't need to fill out the form.) You need to submit the lab problems in addition to the attendance form to get credit for lab.

Required Questions

Getting Started Videos

These videos may provide some helpful direction for tackling the coding problems on this assignment.

To see these videos, you should be logged into your email.

YouTube link


Consult the drop-down if you need a refresher on dictionaries. It's okay to skip directly to the questions and refer back here should you get stuck.

A dictionary contains key-value pairs and allows the values to be looked up by their key using square brackets. Each key must be unique.

>>> d = {2: 4, 'two': ['four'], (1, 1): 4}
>>> d[2]
>>> d['two']
>>> d[(1, 1)]

The sequence of keys or values or key-value pairs can be accessed using .keys() or .values() or .items().

>>> for k in d.keys():
...     print(k)
(1, 1)
>>> for v in d.values():
...     print(v)
>>> for k, v in d.items():
...     print(k, v)
2 4
two ['four']
(1, 1) 4

By default, iterating through a dictionary iterates through its keys.

>>> for x in d:
...     print(x)
(1, 1)

You can check whether a dictionary contains a key using in:

>>> 'two' in d
>>> 4 in d

A dictionary comprehension is an expression that evaluates to a new dictionary.

>>> {3*x: 3*x + 1 for x in range(2, 5)}
{6: 7, 9: 10, 12: 13}

Important: For all WWPD questions, type Function if you believe the answer is <function...>, Error if it errors, and Nothing if nothing is displayed.

Q1: Dictionaries

Use Ok to test your knowledge with the following "What Would Python Display?" questions:

python3 ok -q pokemon -u

>>> pokemon = {'pikachu': 25, 'dragonair': 148, 'mew': 151}
>>> pokemon['pikachu']
>>> len(pokemon)
>>> 'mewtwo' in pokemon
>>> 'pikachu' in pokemon
>>> 25 in pokemon
>>> 148 in pokemon.values()
>>> 151 in pokemon.keys()
>>> 'mew' in pokemon.keys()

Q2: Divide

Implement divide, which takes two lists of positive integers quotients and divisors. It returns a dictionary whose keys are the elements of quotients. For each key q, its corresponding value is a list of all of the elements of divisors that can be evenly divided by q.

Hint: The value for each key needs be a list, so a list comprehension might be useful here.

def divide(quotients, divisors):
    """Return a dictonary in which each quotient q is a key for the list of
    divisors that it divides evenly.

    >>> divide([3, 4, 5], [8, 9, 10, 11, 12])
    {3: [9, 12], 4: [8, 12], 5: [10]}
    >>> divide(range(1, 5), range(20, 25))
    {1: [20, 21, 22, 23, 24], 2: [20, 22, 24], 3: [21, 24], 4: [20, 24]}
    return {____: ____ for ____ in ____}

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q divide

Q3: Buying Fruit

Implement the buy function that takes three parameters:

  1. fruits_to_buy: A list of strings representing the fruits you need to buy. At least one of each fruit must be bought.
  2. prices: A dictionary where the keys are fruit names (strings) and the values are positive integers representing the cost of each fruit.
  3. total_amount: An integer representing the total money available for purchasing the fruits. Take a look at the docstring for more details on the input structure.

The function should print all possible ways to buy the required fruits so that the combined cost equals total_amount. You can only select fruits mentioned in fruits_to_buy list.

Note: You can use the display function to format the output. Call display(fruit, count) for each fruit and its corresponding quantity to generate a string showing the type and amount of fruit bought.

Hint: How can you ensure that every combination includes at least one of each fruit listed in fruits_to_buy?

def buy(fruits_to_buy, prices, total_amount):
    """Print ways to buy some of each fruit so that the sum of prices is amount.

    >>> prices = {'oranges': 4, 'apples': 3, 'bananas': 2, 'kiwis': 9}
    >>> buy(['apples', 'oranges', 'bananas'], prices, 12)  # We can only buy apple, orange, and banana, but not kiwi
    [2 apples][1 orange][1 banana]
    >>> buy(['apples', 'oranges', 'bananas'], prices, 16)
    [2 apples][1 orange][3 bananas]
    [2 apples][2 oranges][1 banana]
    >>> buy(['apples', 'kiwis'], prices, 36)
    [3 apples][3 kiwis]
    [6 apples][2 kiwis]
    [9 apples][1 kiwi]
    def add(fruits, amount, cart):
        if fruits == [] and amount == 0:
        elif fruits and amount > 0:
            fruit = fruits[0]
            price = ____
            for k in ____:
                # Hint: The display function will help you add fruit to the cart.
                add(____, ____, ____)
    add(fruits_to_buy, total_amount, '')

def display(fruit, count):
    """Display a count of a fruit in square brackets.

    >>> display('apples', 3)
    '[3 apples]'
    >>> display('apples', 1)
    '[1 apple]'
    >>> print(display('apples', 3) + display('kiwis', 3))
    [3 apples][3 kiwis]
    assert count >= 1 and fruit[-1] == 's'
    if count == 1:
        fruit = fruit[:-1]  # get rid of the plural s
    return '[' + str(count) + ' ' + fruit + ']'

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q buy

Data Abstraction

Consult the drop-down if you need a refresher on data abstraction. It's okay to skip directly to the questions and refer back here should you get stuck.

A data abstraction is a set of functions that compose and decompose compound values. One function called the constructor puts together two or more parts into a whole (such as a rational number; also known as a fraction), and other functions called selectors return parts of that whole (such as the numerator or denominator).

def rational(n, d):
    "Return a fraction n / d for integers n and d."

def numer(r):
    "Return the numerator of rational number r."

def denom(r):
    "Return the denominator of rational number r."

Crucially, one can use a data abstraction without knowing how these functions are implemented. For example, we (humans) can verify that mul_rationals is implemented correctly just by knowing what rational, numer, and denom do without knowing how they are implemented.

def mul_rationals(r1, r2):
    "Return the rational number r1 * r2."
    return rational(numer(r1) * numer(r2), denom(r1) * denom(r2))

However, for Python to run the program, the data abstraction requires an implementation. Using knowledge of the implementation crosses the abstraction barrier, which separates the part of a program that depends on the implementation of the data abstraction from the part that does not. A well-written program typically will minimize the amount of code that depends on the implementation so that the implementation can be changed later on without requiring much code to be rewritten.

When using a data abstraction that has been provided, write your program so that it will still be correct even if the implementation of the data abstraction changes.


Say we have a data abstraction for cities. A city has a name, a latitude coordinate, and a longitude coordinate.

Our data abstraction has one constructor:

  • make_city(name, lat, lon): Creates a city object with the given name, latitude, and longitude.

We also have the following selectors in order to get the information for each city:

  • get_name(city): Returns the city's name
  • get_lat(city): Returns the city's latitude
  • get_lon(city): Returns the city's longitude

Here is how we would use the constructor and selectors to create cities and extract their information:

>>> berkeley = make_city('Berkeley', 122, 37)
>>> get_name(berkeley)
>>> get_lat(berkeley)
>>> new_york = make_city('New York City', 74, 40)
>>> get_lon(new_york)

All of the selector and constructor functions can be found in the lab file if you are curious to see how they are implemented. However, the point of data abstraction is that, when writing a program about cities, we do not need to know the implementation.

Q4: Distance

We will now implement the function distance, which computes the distance between two city objects. Recall that the distance between two coordinate pairs (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) can be found by calculating the sqrt of (x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2. We have already imported sqrt for your convenience. Use the latitude and longitude of a city as its coordinates; you'll need to use the selectors to access this info!

from math import sqrt
def distance(city_a, city_b):
    Returns the distance between city_a and city_b according to their

    >>> city_a = make_city('city_a', 0, 1)
    >>> city_b = make_city('city_b', 0, 2)
    >>> distance(city_a, city_b)
    >>> city_c = make_city('city_c', 6.5, 12)
    >>> city_d = make_city('city_d', 2.5, 15)
    >>> distance(city_c, city_d)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q distance

Q5: Closer City

Next, implement closer_city, a function that takes a latitude, longitude, and two cities, and returns the name of the city that is closer to the provided latitude and longitude.

You may only use the selectors get_name get_lat get_lon, constructors make_city, and the distance function you just defined for this question.

Hint: How can you use your distance function to find the distance between the given location and each of the given cities?

def closer_city(lat, lon, city_a, city_b):
    Returns the name of either city_a or city_b, whichever is closest to
    coordinate (lat, lon). If the two cities are the same distance away
    from the coordinate, consider city_b to be the closer city.

    >>> berkeley = make_city('Berkeley', 37.87, 112.26)
    >>> stanford = make_city('Stanford', 34.05, 118.25)
    >>> closer_city(38.33, 121.44, berkeley, stanford)
    >>> bucharest = make_city('Bucharest', 44.43, 26.10)
    >>> vienna = make_city('Vienna', 48.20, 16.37)
    >>> closer_city(41.29, 174.78, bucharest, vienna)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q closer_city

Q6: Don't violate the abstraction barrier!

Note: this question has no code-writing component (if you implemented the previous two questions correctly).

When writing functions that use a data abstraction, we should use the constructor(s) and selector(s) whenever possible instead of assuming the data abstraction's implementation. Relying on a data abstraction's underlying implementation is known as violating the abstraction barrier.

It's possible that you passed the doctests for the previous questions even if you violated the abstraction barrier. To check whether or not you did so, run the following command:

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q check_city_abstraction

The check_city_abstraction function exists only for the doctest, which swaps out the implementations of the original abstraction with something else, runs the tests from the previous two parts, then restores the original abstraction.

The nature of the abstraction barrier guarantees that changing the implementation of a data abstraction should not affect the functionality of any programs that use that data abstraction, as long as the constructors and selectors were used properly.

If you passed the Ok tests for the previous questions but not this one, the fix is simple! Just replace any code that violates the abstraction barrier with the appropriate constructor or selector.

Make sure that your functions pass the tests with both the first and the second implementations of the data abstraction and that you understand why they should work for both before moving on.

Check Your Score Locally

You can locally check your score on each question of this assignment by running

python3 ok --score

This does NOT submit the assignment! When you are satisfied with your score, submit the assignment to Gradescope to receive credit for it.

Submit Assignment

If you are in a regular lab in CS 61A, let your TA know you're done so that you can get a departure number, then fill out this lab attendance form before you leave. (If you are in the mega lab, you don't need to fill out the form.)

Then, submit this assignment by uploading any files you've edited to the appropriate Gradescope assignment. Lab 00 has detailed instructions.