Discussion 8: Scheme, Scheme Lists


The define form is used to assign values to symbols. It has the following syntax:
(define <symbol> <expression>)
scm> (define pi (+ 3 0.14))
scm> pi

To evaluate the define expression:

  1. Evaluate the final sub-expression (<expression>), which in this case evaluates to 3.14.
  2. Bind that value to the symbol (symbol), which in this case is pi.
  3. Return the symbol.

The define form can also define new procedures, described in the "Defining Functions" section. The define form can create a procedure and give it a name:

(define (<symbol> <param1> <param2> ...) <body>)

For example, this is how we would define the double procedure:

scm> (define (double x) (* x 2))
scm> (double 3)

Here's an example with three arguments:

scm> (define (add-then-mul x y z)
        (* (+ x y) z))
scm> (add-then-mul 3 4 5)

When a define expression is evaluated, the following occurs:

  1. Create a procedure with the given parameters and <body>.
  2. Bind the procedure to the <symbol> in the current frame.
  3. Return the <symbol>.

The following two expressions are equivalent:

scm> (define add (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))
scm> (define (add x y) (+ x y))

Atomic expressions (also called atoms) are expressions without sub-expressions, such as numbers, boolean values, and symbols.

scm> 1234    ; integer
scm> 123.4   ; real number
scm> #f      ; the Scheme equivalent of False in Python

A Scheme symbol is equivalent to a Python name. A symbol evaluates to the value bound to that symbol in the current environment. (They are called symbols rather than names because they include + and other arithmetic symbols.)

scm> quotient      ; A symbol bound to a built-in procedure
scm> +             ; A symbol bound to a built-in procedure

In Scheme, all values except #f (equivalent to False in Python) are true values (unlike Python, which has other false values, such as 0).

scm> #t
scm> #f

The if special form evaluates one of two expressions based on a predicate.

(if <predicate> <if-true> <if-false>)

The rules for evaluating an if special form expression are as follows:

  1. Evaluate the <predicate>.
  2. If the <predicate> evaluates to a true value (anything but #f), evaluate and return the value of the <if-true> expression. Otherwise, evaluate and return the value of the <if-false> expression.

For example, this expression does not error and evaluates to 5, even though the sub-expression (/ 1 (- x 3)) would error if evaluated.

scm> (define x 3)
scm> (if (> (- x 3) 0) (/ 1 (- x 3)) (+ x 2))

The <if-false> expression is optional.

scm> (if (= x 3) (print x))

Let's compare a Scheme if expression with a Python if statement:

  • In Scheme:
    (if (> x 3) 1 2)
  • In Python:
    if x > 3:

The Scheme if expression evaluates to a number (either 1 or 2, depending on x). The Python statement does not evaluate to anything, and so the 1 and 2 cannot be used or accessed.

Another difference between the two is that it's possible to add more lines of code into the suites of the Python if statement, while a Scheme if expression expects just a single expression in each of the <if-true> and <if-false> positions.

One final difference is that in Scheme, you cannot write elif clauses.

Q1: Perfect Fit

Definition: A perfect square is k*k for some integer k.

Implement fit, which takes non-negative integers total and n. It returns whether there are n different positive perfect squares that sum to total.

Important: Don't use the Scheme interpreter to tell you whether you've implemented it correctly. Discuss! On the final exam, you won't have an interpreter.

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Use the (or _ _) special form to combine two recursive calls: one that uses k*k in the sum and one that does not. The first should subtract k*k from total and subtract 1 from n; the other should leaves total and n unchanged.

Q2: Interleave

Implement the function interleave, which takes two lists lst1 and lst2 as arguments. interleave should return a list that interleaves the elements of the two lists. (In other words, the resulting list should contain elements alternating between lst1 and lst2, starting at lst1).

If one of the input lists to interleave is shorter than the other, then interleave should alternate elements from both lists until one list has no more elements, and then the remaining elements from the longer list should be added to the end of the new list. If lst1 is empty, you may simply return lst2 and vice versa.

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Scheme Lists & Quotation

As you read through this section, it may be difficult to understand the differences between the various representations of Scheme containers. We recommend that you use our online Scheme interpreter to see the box-and-pointer diagrams of pairs and lists that you're having a hard time visualizing! (Use the command (autodraw) to toggle the automatic drawing of diagrams.)


Scheme lists are very similar to the linked lists we've been working with in Python. Just like how a linked list is constructed of a series of Link objects, a Scheme list is constructed with a series of pairs, which are created with the constructor cons.

Scheme lists require that the cdr is either another list or nil, an empty list. A list is displayed in the interpreter as a sequence of values (similar to the __str__ representation of a Link object). For example,

scm> (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))
(1 2 3)

Here, we've ensured that the second argument of each cons expression is another cons expression or nil.


We can retrieve values from our list with the car and cdr procedures, which now work similarly to the Python Link's first and rest attributes. (Curious about where these weird names come from? Check out their etymology.)

scm> (define a (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))))  ; Assign the list to the name a
scm> a
(1 2 3)
scm> (car a)
scm> (cdr a)
(2 3)
scm> (car (cdr (cdr a)))

If you do not pass in a pair or nil as the second argument to cons, it will error:

scm> (cons 1 2)

list Procedure

There are a few other ways to create lists. The list procedure takes in an arbitrary number of arguments and constructs a list with the values of these arguments:

scm> (list 1 2 3)
(1 2 3)
scm> (list 1 (list 2 3) 4)
(1 (2 3) 4)
scm> (list (cons 1 (cons 2 nil)) 3 4)
((1 2) 3 4)

Note that all of the operands in this expression are evaluated before being put into the resulting list.

Quote Form

We can also use the quote form to create a list, which will construct the exact list that is given. Unlike with the list procedure, the argument to ' is not evaluated.

scm> '(1 2 3)
(1 2 3)
scm> '(cons 1 2)           ; Argument to quote is not evaluated
(cons 1 2)
scm> '(1 (2 3 4))
(1 (2 3 4))

Built-In Procedures for Lists

There are a few other built-in procedures in Scheme that are used for lists. Try them out in the interpreter!

scm> (null? nil)                ; Checks if a value is the empty list
scm> (append '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) ; Concatenates two lists
(1 2 3 4 5 6)
scm> (length '(1 2 3 4 5))      ; Returns the number of elements in a list

Q3: Nested Lists

Create the nested list depicted below three different ways: using list, quote, and cons.

linked list

First, describe the list together: "It looks like there are four elements, and the first element is ..." If you get stuck, look at the hint below. (But try to describe it yourself first!)

A four-element list in which the first element is a list containing both a and b, the second element is c, the third element is d, and the fourth element is a list containing just e.

Next, use calls to list to construct this list. If you run this code and then (draw with-list) in code.cs61a.org, the draw procedure will draw what you've built.

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Every call to list creates a list, and there are three different lists in this diagram: a list containing a and b: (list 'a 'b), a list containing e: (list 'e), and the whole list of four elements: (list _ 'c 'd _). Try to put these expressions together.

Now, use quote to construct this list.

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One quoted expression is enough, but it needs to match the structure of the linked list using Scheme notation. So, your task is to figure out how this list would be displayed in Scheme.
The nested list drawn above is a four-element list with lists as its first and last elements: ((a b) c d (e)). Quoting that expression will create the list.

Now, use cons to construct this list. Don't use list. You can use first in your answer.

(define first
    (cons 'a (cons 'b nil)))
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The provided first is the first element of the result, so the answer takes the form:
first ____

You can either fill in the blank with a quoted three-element list:

'(___ ___ ___)
   c   d  (e)

or with nested calls to cons:

(cons ___ (cons ___ (cons ___ nil)))
       c         d        (e)

Q4: Pair Up

Implement pair-up, which takes a list s. It returns a list of lists that together contain all of the elements of s in order. Each list in the result should have 2 elements. The last one can have up to 3.

Look at the examples together to make sure everyone understands what this procedure does.

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pair-up takes a list (of numbers) and returns a list of lists, so when (length s) is less than or equal to 3, return a list containing the list s. For example, (pair-up (list 2 3 4)) should return ((2 3 4)).

Use (cons _ (pair-up _)) to create the result, where the first argument to cons is a list with two elements: the (car s) and the (car (cdr s)). The argument to pair-up is everything after the first two elements.

Discussion: What's the longest list s for which (pair-up (pair-up s)) will return a list with only one element? (Don't just guess and check; discuss!)

Q5: List Insert

Write a Scheme function that, when given an element, a list, and an index, inserts the element into the list at that index. You can assume that the index is in bounds for the list.

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